Lifespan Navigation Benefits
The critical safety net to help attract, retain, and sustain resilience in your valued employees.
Supporting team members dealing with overwhelming circumstances
Organizations rely on our team of deeply experienced and highly credentialed professionals to deliver unique supportive services known as Lifespan Navigation®. Common areas of support include: health and mental health, parenting, eldercare, end of life and bereavement support after loss.
Peace of mind
Retained focus
Enhanced productivity
Organizational resilience
Demonstrating values
Ready to learn more?
Business leaders, benefits brokers, and risk management professionals are welcome to schedule an introductory call to discuss program details.
High Quality EAPs are essential; but when they fall short, employees can be left feeling overwhelmed.
Facing life’s hardest challenges without effective support leads to feelings of disengagement and distraction.
Mitigate risk and build a more resilient, productive, stable and relieved workforce with Lifespan Navigation® benefits.
*SOURCE | SHRM 2020 ‘What is an EAP’ - https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/tools-and-samples/hr-qa/pages/whatisaneap.aspx